Important Dates

Senate Staff  :    Important Dates


Senate offices and state departments of education receive annual USSYP official brochure outlining rules and policies for the program – please post pdf to the senator’s website.


Annual yearbook distribution to senators and staff – please place one copy in your front office. Senate Co-Chairs and Advisory Committee invited to serve for upcoming year.


Senate press secretaries receive press releases announcing USSYP open for application – press release should be posted on senator’s website, placed in senator’s newsletters and released to home state media.


Save the Date!  Annual USSYP Senate Reception invitations will be emailed – event is always the Wednesday of Washington Week.


Senate press secretaries receive announcement of winning delegates information – press releases are customized for each state to be sent to local media on senator’s letterhead. Please have senators send congratulations letter to student delegates if possible! Invitations to the Senate Reception are sent.


Washington Week always takes place the first or second week of March. Make sure your boss is confirmed to attend the reception and meet your delegates!

Year round

Promote the program on the senator’s website so that students, parents or teachers searching the senator’s site can be made aware of the program and the scholarship and how to apply.